July Newsletter: For Love and Pride🌈
It is Pride Week in Reykjavík now and I want to talk about love, empathy and companionship! I hope you'll bear with me, but if you'd prefer other subjects just flip straight to my newest illustration included here and go check out my other recent posts 🧡💛💚💙💜
What I have learned about love, empathy and companionship during my lifetime has greatly influenced my core ideologies, as well as my art. I've always been drawn to these themes and my favourite literature, movies, music and even video games tend to be rich in exploration of them. I actually almost went into academia to study this part of human behaviour, from a biological point of view, but that was a long, long time ago.
What I have found out about my own values follows here below:
First of all, I strongly believe that the world spins while fuelled by the power of empathy and companionship and of love. Not by the power of material wealth, political scheming, greed, envy, narcissism or any other base instincts as we are often, and relentlessly, taught to think.
Second, I strongly believe that love comes in an infinite diversity of shapes, sizes and colours. Not in predefined boxes that can be neatly categorised and put into neat little shelves. To quote one of my favourite authors:
“....there are as many forms of love as there are moments in time.”
― Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
Thirdly, I strongly believe there are powers in the world trying to influence us to think otherwise. Powers that want us to believe that putting ourselves in narrowly shaped boxes marked, “US” and “THEM”, is necessary. Making us believe that our differences are more important than what unites us. If we do not have a society rich in love, empathy and companionship, it is easier to influence us in this way!
There have always been powers out there whose motives do not align with what the society of human beings needs. I don’t know where those powers come from or who wields them, whether it is intentional or unintentional. However it seems they are getting stronger and a push back is needed.
Fourth, I believe all human beings are born with the right to be themselves, as they choose. With the right to a life of pride in expressing who they are as they are. Pride in living how they choose and loving whom they choose. This, in a perfect world, would be in a society where love, empathy and companionship are celebrated core values.
Last, I'd like to dedicate my newest illustration to the magic of love and off pride. These skruffies are waltzing away in the woods, lost in love. They are bound together by a powerful magic and proud in being who they truly are.

I’ll end this on a message from the 80's, a Western pop culture favourite:
That's what my heart yearns for now
Love and pride
That's what my heart yearns for now
Love and pride
Start your journey
Early or maybe later (get your boots on)
Or look for rainbows (it's cloudy)
Take your hairdryer, blow them all away
Of love and pride.
― King (a pop band from the 80's)
I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for visiting my site and I hope you will have the freedom to express who you truly are, every day and with pride!
That's it for now!
Until next time, be safe and carry on dreaming ❤