The importance of making a decision!
Hi and welcome to day no.01 of my blog!
Yes I have hereby decided to commit myself to write a blog after considering it for some time. One of the reasons is that I needed a way of recording the why’s and how’s of my journey toward becoming a full-fledged illustrator and digital artist! It's no easy ride I can tell you! It took me many years just to pluck up the courage go for a career as an regrets yet!
Writing a blog is a widely used tool for sprouting, as well as established artists for keeping a kind of a work, progress and inspirational journal. Keeping a journal is indeed a much needed tool for those of us who have that slightly overactive mind, prone to too many ideas at once, resulting in us sometimes getting a bit side tracked :D
There is also great comfort in the thought that maybe somewhere, someone might accompany me on my journey by reading about and commenting on my development, challenges, inspirations and daily life as a developing artist. We all need encouragement once in a while and we all benefit greatly from feedback!

So there it is! The decision is made and I am going to be writing regular blogs for a year. Max daily, min weekly...long, short, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. YEY😊!!
Bye for now :)