In 2023 I was commissioned by Forlagið publishing house to illustrate the cover of Hrím, a fantasy novel by Hildur Knútsdóttir. The book was published in October 2023. (Photoshop)

Full digital version of cover, front and back. (Photoshop)

Children's book commissioned by Töfrahurð musical publishing group in 2023. I handled all illustration work for pages and covers. Graphic design and text-work was handled by another designer. The book was published in October 2023. (Photoshop)

Inside look. (Photoshop)

Children's book commissioned by Töfrahurð Musical Publishing group. I handled all illustration work for pages and covers. Graphic design and text-work was handled by another designer. Published in 2018. (Photoshop)

Inside look. (Photoshop)

llustrations for a musical concert held in Harpa Theatre in Reykjavik in 2020. Illustrations were projected on the wall above the orchestra. Commissioned by Töfrahurð Musical Publishing group. (Photoshop)

llustrations for a musical concert held in Harpa Theatre in Reykjavik in 2020. Illustrations were projected on the wall above the orchestra. Commissioned by Töfrahurð Musical Publishing group. (Photoshop)

Illustrations for a chapter book for students, by Arndís Þórarinsdóttir. Commissioned by the Iceland Directorate of Education in 2020. (Photoshop)

Inside look. (Photoshop)

Commissioned by the author in 2019 and self published by her. (Photoshop)

Inside look. (Photoshop)